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Journal of Chromatography A
Copyright © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved

Volume 928, Issue 1,
Pages 1-126 (31 August 2001)

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Evaluation of frontal chromatograms, Pages 1-12
U. Wenzel
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Characterization and modeling of monolithic stationary phases: application to preparative chromatography, Pages 13-23
Sanchayita Ghose and Steven M. Cramer
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Preparation of highly selective stationary phases for high-performance liquid chromatographic separation of enantiomers by direct copolymerization of monomers with single or twin chiral ligands, Pages 25-40
Mingcheng Xu, Enugurthi Brahmachary, Miroslav Janco, Frank H. Ling, Frantisek Svec and Jean M. J. Fréchet
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Ultra-short columns and ballistic gradients: considerations for ultra-fast chromatographic liquid chromatographic¯tandem mass spectrometric analysis, Pages 41-51
Leslie A. Romanyshyn and Philip R. Tiller
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Determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by liquid chromatography¯electrospray ionization mass spectrometry using silver nitrate as a post-column reagent, Pages 53-61
Masahiko Takino, Shigeki Daishima, Kenji Yamaguchi and Taketoshi Nakahara
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Identification and quantification of major bovine milk proteins by liquid chromatography, Pages 63-76
G. Bordin, F. Cordeiro Raposo, B. de la Calle and A. R. Rodriguez
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Determination of folates in foods by high-performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection after precolumn conversion to 5-methyltetrahydrofolates, Pages 77-90
S. Ndaw, M. Bergaentzlé, D. Aoudé-Werner, S. Lahély and C. Hasselmann
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Determination of actinides in environmental and biological samples using high-performance chelation ion chromatography coupled to sector-field inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, Pages 91-98
Jason B. Truscott, Phil Jones, Ben E. Fairman and E. Hywel Evans
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Use of porous glass and silica gel as support media of a surface compound for generation of analytes in gaseous standard mixtures. New method for the determination of the amount of analyte generated, Pages 99-108
Elbieta Przyk, Piotr Konieczka, Jolanta Szczygelska-Tao, Roman Teschner, Jan F. Biernat and Jacek Namienik
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Separation and determination of podophyllum lignans by micellar electrokinetic chromatography, Pages 109-115
Shuhui Liu, Xuan Tian, Xingguo Chen and Zhide Hu
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Stir bar sorptive extraction applied to the determination of dicarboximide fungicides in wine, Pages 117-126
Pat Sandra, Bart Tienpont, Joeri Vercammen, Andreas Tredoux, Tom Sandra and Frank David
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News Section, Pages N1-N4

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